Monday, November 18, 2019

Last Wednesday’s discussion included ideas on the diversity of Buddhisms and Buddhists, and to what degree there is similarity and difference among and between different schools, lineages, and traditions.  There was some talk of the future of Buddhism in America, and when an “American” Buddhism might emerge, and what it would look like.  To what extent can American culture and values, and Buddhist culture and values accommodate each other?  The question was raised regarding Asian “Ethno-Cultural” Buddhism being more accessible and/or accommodating of American-cultural people who would like to be included, but feel uncomfortable.

We meet again next Wednesday, November 11, from 7:00 p.m. to about 8:45.  Some ideas for discussion might be, “love” in Buddhism, “Engaged Buddhism,” Buddhist views of “good” government, the commoditization of meditation, and so on.  

Bring your ideas and questions and join us, won’t you?

Friday, November 8, 2019

Being mindful is so important.  When we’re not being mindful, we can misuse words in ways that are hurtful, even dangerous.  When we’re not being mindful, we can cause driving accidents, injure people, damage property.  When we’re not being mindful, we can make big errors and little mistakes. All sorts of things happen we don't want to happen when we're not being mindful.  

When we get too tired, or take on too many tasks, it is easy for mindfulness to slip away.  When we get too tired, or take on too many tasks, it is easy for the environmental press to take over.  And we make mistakes.  

Thanks to those of you who found my mistake.  

Here’s the corrected notice. 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Beginning Wednesday, November 13, 2019, we will be facilitating a weekly practice and discussion group every Wednesday night, except for holidays.  Pure Land of Iowa, will be hosting us in Suite D, Pure Land Hall, 8634 Hickman Road, in Clive.  Chairs are available, but you are welcome to bring your own meditation cushions, if you like.

We will start at 7:00 p.m. with a guided meditation of about 20 minutes, followed by a 30 minute or so discussion on some aspect of the Dhamma.  About 8:00 p.m. we will sit in silent meditation for approximately 30 minutes.

Won't you join us?