Last Wednesday’s discussion included ideas on the diversity of Buddhisms and Buddhists, and to what degree there is similarity and difference among and between different schools, lineages, and traditions. There was some talk of the future of Buddhism in America, and when an “American” Buddhism might emerge, and what it would look like. To what extent can American culture and values, and Buddhist culture and values accommodate each other? The question was raised regarding Asian “Ethno-Cultural” Buddhism being more accessible and/or accommodating of American-cultural people who would like to be included, but feel uncomfortable.
We meet again next Wednesday, November 11, from 7:00 p.m. to about 8:45. Some ideas for discussion might be, “love” in Buddhism, “Engaged Buddhism,” Buddhist views of “good” government, the commoditization of meditation, and so on.
Bring your ideas and questions and join us, won’t you?